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mIRC Help Jump to new posts
Re: Options window slow to open Khaled 18/12/24 08:54 PM
It takes about 750ms to open on my computer, which I think is too long. Unfortunately, I cannot see a way to speed it up. The Options dialog has a huge number of settings/controls. The only solution would be to move some option groups to their own separate dialogs.

If you install mIRC using the "portable" option in the installer into a clean, empty folder and test that, on the same Windows 10 installation as your current mIRC, do you see the same issue?
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Bug Reports Jump to new posts
Re: Brief hang/slowdown with multiple connections? Khaled 18/12/24 08:47 PM
I'm afraid this is due to OpenSSL v3.x which has a much slower SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() function. After the move to OpenSSL v3.x in mIRC v7.73, the next version, v7.74, changed how this function is called to minimize the slow-down when multiple connections are opened at the same time. However, it is still slower than older versions of OpenSSL, and there will inevitably be a pause, especially since mIRC is a single-threaded application.
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Feature Suggestions Jump to new posts
Re: Editable Language Files DzenowaRAVE 17/12/24 07:02 AM
And I am way more than happy to translate into Ukrainian if that's okay!
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Scripts & Popups Jump to new posts
+draft/reply=mIRC Incorrigo 17/12/24 01:08 AM
mIRC does support +draft/reply

i created this and uploaded it so that you can review / play around / implement

sorry if this is an old issue / been done but i did search

  • fully comp with ircv3 +draft/reply spec
  • uses playback on join to keep time compatible
  • inline garbage collection
  • compatible with any other clients
  • no need to use DLLs or extermal application

i uploaded the files so that you can d/l and see for yourself

file extension is different but standard .mrc style script file
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Scripts & Popups Jump to new posts
Re: !vguess addon Epic 16/12/24 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Fernet
My only problem is that message The next attempt is possible in XXX sec, when the game is unset. Shoud be enough just to have message Come up with a new number:STAY TUNED
I don't quite understand the essence of your request due to poor translation, which can distort the meaning of the question, but I will try to guess and answer correctly...

The message "The next attempt is possible in XXX secs" is sent only to those users who have executed the command "!number <number>" once.
Then they should wait 300 seconds, as written in this command: hadd -mz number $nick 300
If someone guesses the secret number, the game resets all data, including hashes about the number of seconds to wait until the next attempt.

That is, if the bot is missing the variable %number, you will not be able to execute the command "!number", because this line will prevent it:
if (!%number) { msg $chan Come up with a new number: !game [number] | return }

If you want to hide the timeout before the next attempt from users and not write anything, then change this line:
if ($hget(number,$nick)) { notice $nick The next attempt is possible in $v1 secs. | return }

to: if ($hget(number,$nick)) { return }

In any case, from my modest testing, this message should not be visible to users when the game is stopped or has not yet been launched.
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