Persistent $tip when delay is -1
11 hours ago
I would like to suggest an enhancement for the $tip feature. Currently, the delay parameter for $tip(name, title, text, delay, iconfn, iconpos, alias, wid) can accept values from 3 to 60 seconds, after which the tip automatically closes. However, it would be very useful if the delay parameter could accept a value of -1, which would prevent the tip from automatically closing at all.
This would allow users to create tips that remain visible indefinitely unless manually closed, without needing to implement complex workarounds or rely on other events. It would be a great addition for users who need persistent information displayed in a tip without worrying about the time-out.
Proposed Change:
Accept -1 as a valid value for the delay parameter in $tip(). When delay = -1, the tip would never close automatically and would remain open until manually dismissed or the window it belongs to is closed. Thanks for considering this suggestion!
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Thank you!
05/02/25 05:54 PM
I just downloaded the latest update for mIRC (i use this daily). I can not say how thankful i am to now have a dark mode supported on win 11. It is truly softer on the eyes and that helps me a lot. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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mIRC 7.79 released
03/02/25 12:13 PM
Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.79 has been released today. This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Added support for dark mode on Windows 10/11. Fixed empty perform list entry crash bug. Fixed Options/DCC dialog radio buttons not working correctly. Added support for loading WebP image files. Fixed per server connect on startup bug. Fixed Log View dialog crash bug when loading large log files. Fixed control codes being stripped out of displayed lines in some events. Added Line shading option to Display/Options dialog that shades alternate lines. Fixed status window system menu not having a default logging menu item. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. How to upgrade?mIRC is distributed in an installer that installs mIRC on your computer for you. Simply download and run the installer from the download page on the mIRC website. Follow the instructions the installer gives to you. When upgrading all your old settings and scripts will stay as they were, if you want that. Read the questions the installer asks with care and nothing can go wrong. You will be chatting with the new mIRC in no time. If you get stuck or if you want to find out more about a certain feature, just click on a Help button or browse the Help file and you should find lots of hints to help you out. Where to download?As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page on the mIRC website. Registering mIRCAs you know, mIRC can be downloaded freely and evaluated for 30 days. If you find that you enjoy using mIRC, it would be great and much appreciated if you registered your copy. This licenses you to use your copy of mIRC and helps to support our continued work on mIRC. You can find out how to register here. Full list of Fixes, Changes and Additions.For a more detailed list of recent changes, please see the whatsnew.txt file. You will need to read through the help file to learn more about these changes and their impact. Some changes are obvious, some need getting used to - please take your time to play with them and see how they work. May we invite you to use these forums for all questions you might have? The forums offer great help with everything related to mIRC! Thanks for using mIRC, have fun on IRC!
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extend $window().pbpercent
16/01/25 09:16 PM
It would be nice if $window().pbstate & $window().pbpercent was extended to support dcc windows via:
$window(@ $+ $send(1).wid).pbstate
$window(@ $+ $send(1).wid).pbpercent
$window(@ $+ $get(1).wid).pbstate
$window(@ $+ $get(1).wid).pbpercent
The code i'm using already has the wid & this would save me having to figure out which wid is a which dcc.
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channels list
11/01/25 11:42 PM
8 Autojoin=#chaco-corrientes,#paranachat
alias con { var %i = 1 while (%i <= 15) { echo -a %i $read(config.ini,%i) inc %i } }
i want add some chanel to autojoin how i do it?
please help
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Change thickness of the nicklist divider
11/01/25 04:25 PM
When changing the "Light theme" to a "Dark theme", becomes much more visible the difference in the thickness of the channel window divider between the nicklist, and the thickness of the channel window divider between the editbox. Perfectionists will experience daily pain and suffering. I propose to equalize them by reducing the thickness of the divider between the channel window and the nicklist so that it is identical to the thickness of the divider between the channel window and the editbox. Visual example:
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Support for Win7+ Thumbnail toolbar buttons?
07/01/25 05:39 PM
Since the recent beta contains a Windows 10/11 specific (and experimental) dark theme, I was wondering if that also paves the way for other functions that are specific to certain Windows versions only. I've had a little DLL project called mircThumbBar (also m7rc, since I made it back with Windows 7) for the longest time, so I can play/pause and prev/next my MP3 player even when mIRC is in the background. I had my fair share of issues with it, but got something working and have been using it for over 15 years at this point. It looks like this: ![[Linked Image from]]( This uses the Thumbnail Toolbar API from the ITaskbarList3 interface (and some maybe not-so-nice redirecting of the mIRC WndProc to get events back to me). Regular $dll calls to prepare the list, then finally display it. Memory mapped file for the back-channel so I can react to clicks by calling one of my functions/aliases. I'm not too sure about a command sequence though. Those three buttons on top are three AddButton calls followed by a CreateButtons call (basically: Queue up buttons, set their properties, then trigger the toolbar creation/modification). Later, I use SetButtonIcon/ SetButtonFlags and UpdateButtons to (queue and then) make changes; for example when I pause/play and want to change the image. Maybe as part of /window, perhaps as a new /thumbbar command? To test (and read), accompanying $window (or $thumbbar) identifiers? I can totally see this work without the CreateButtons/ UpdateButtons calls, but I feel like I overengineered this to optimize how often I have to call the ITaskbarList3 methods...not to mention that I took a few shortcuts and didn't implement things I didn't need, like RemoveButton/ ClearButtons. There's other Vista/7+ functions for augmenting and interacting with the taskbar, but I feel like those buttons are the most useful ones here. Doing nothing (or returning an error) for Windows versions that don't support the functionality should be fairly easy to do, but at this point none of them are really in support anymore. Microsoft published a sample project, and my code is here in this Gist.
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Scripts Editor: Clickable path to script folder
21/12/24 03:47 PM
I suggest improving the script editor and making it a clickable path to folder, so that it is in the form of a link and when you click on it, the folder with the script opens. It would be much more convenient if, when editing a script, you could immediately go to the folder of this script to create additional working files. Visual example:
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NICK Part/Join counter
11/12/24 04:45 PM
Good evening. Is there an addon or a way to know how many times a NICK (i.e. PIPPO) parted and joined from a channel? Of course I mean since I joined in that same channel. Thanks
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mIRC 7.78 released
06/11/24 03:09 PM
Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.78 has been released today. This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Fixed SCRAM logon authentication bugs. Added Windows taskbar support for DCC Send/Get progress bars. Fixed Aero theme helper windows startup flicker bug. Changed "Hide away reminders" option to apply to all contexts. Added support for loading SVG files. Fixed server list parsing bug causing random crashes. Fixed $regml() bug relating to /F and empty groups. Fixed flickering menubar bug. Updated libraries to OpenSSL v3.0.15, TagLib v2.0.2, and LibZip v1.11.2. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. How to upgrade?mIRC is distributed in an installer that installs mIRC on your computer for you. Simply download and run the installer from the download page on the mIRC website. Follow the instructions the installer gives to you. When upgrading all your old settings and scripts will stay as they were, if you want that. Read the questions the installer asks with care and nothing can go wrong. You will be chatting with the new mIRC in no time. If you get stuck or if you want to find out more about a certain feature, just click on a Help button or browse the Help file and you should find lots of hints to help you out. Where to download?As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page on the mIRC website. Registering mIRCAs you know, mIRC can be downloaded freely and evaluated for 30 days. If you find that you enjoy using mIRC, it would be great and much appreciated if you registered your copy. This licenses you to use your copy of mIRC and helps to support our continued work on mIRC. You can find out how to register here. Full list of Fixes, Changes and Additions.For a more detailed list of recent changes, please see the whatsnew.txt file. You will need to read through the help file to learn more about these changes and their impact. Some changes are obvious, some need getting used to - please take your time to play with them and see how they work. May we invite you to use these forums for all questions you might have? The forums offer great help with everything related to mIRC! Thanks for using mIRC, have fun on IRC!
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Extension to $dialog( N ) behavior
05/11/24 11:04 AM
Would it be possible to extend the behavior of $dialog( N ) to be able to take an optional table argument as well, such that it (as would hopefully be obvious) returns the name of the Nth dialog using a specific dialog table (or the total number of them if N == 0), rather than just giving an "invalid name" error as it does currently? I realize this use case might very well be rather niche; I'm not entirely sure how common it is to even have multiple dialogs with the same dialog table open at once, and of course it isn't difficult to emulate the behavior by checking the table property, but certainly some scripts somewhere must allow multiple dialogs with the same table to be open at once, and for those that do, not having to manually make that specific check would probably be a small but nice bit of relief.
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port mdx.dll to dcx.dll
02/11/24 02:39 PM
Hello people. I want to replace mdx.dll for dcx.dll on my script but I couldn't understand how to use it. Can anyone explain me how can I replace this code here from mdx.dll to dcx.dll?!
mdx SetMircVersion $version | mdx MarkDialog mp3_system mdx SetDialog mp3_system icon sistema/imagens/player32.ico
mdx SetDialog mp3_system bgcolor $rgb(0,0,0)
mdx SetFont mp3_system 120 20 500 Segoe UI
mdx SetColor mp3_system 70 text $rgb(255,255,255) mdx SetColor mp3_system 70 textbg $rgb(0,0,0) mdx SetColor mp3_system 70 background $rgb(0,0,0)
mdx SetBorderStyle mp3_system 70 windowedge
thank you
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Fast script
22/10/24 02:22 AM
I am running a script. There are 53 messages that execute over an hr and half period. My problem is that as my script gets further in the timing is drifting. My script slowly starts running faster than it should. The seconds are scripted correctly for when I want them to execute. At about 10 minutes the script is executing about 1 minute ahead. By an hr they are executing 6 minutes ahead. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The script appears as such /timer 1 60 msg #test welcome /timer 1 100 msg #test 1st message
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See list of channels on the server
07/09/24 05:08 PM
Hello I use mirc 7.77 and above the icons where the heart is on the right is the "channel list" button. Click and the menu comes up and if I click on "search" or "list" all the channels on the server come up but the list of channels on the server doesn't come up. The menu closes and the Channels list window is empty. How does the search and list button work? In the help: you
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26/08/24 01:15 PM
When mirc.ini contains:
[background] wserv=<filename>,<type> wchat=<filename>,<type>
and first we open file server, window is getting correct photo from wserv (default for all file server window). Now if we open chat ( and leave previously open file server ) background for file server window is changed for a file from chat (wchat).
Can this be fixed? Regards.
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Log only one connection.
28/07/24 09:24 PM
I am looking to make a script that only logs channels on one of many connections on a single client.
Some connections are in the same channel and I don't want my logs showing everything twice. I could just run separate clients I know bu I'm just looking for a way to keep it to one client.
I made a very basic script (I'm not at the pc atm so I can't post it) but the script simply turns on logging if I'm using specific user names.
The problem I feel my solution will face is random dcs or once logging is enabled it stays on, and I don't think I should use a script that enables or disables logging based on current nick as a viable option.
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01/07/24 02:22 PM
I'm trying to use this string to set a QUIET in my channel
/cs set +b ~q:nick!*@*
But it doesn't work. Why? Thanks
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Languages / Translations
11/06/24 06:23 PM
With the release of v7.77, mIRC now supports loading translated resources from external language packs/DLLs as described here. If you are interested in translating mIRC, please read the language files discussion thread first for the latest developments. Once you are ready, you can create a language DLL by following these steps: - Extract the translatable resources from the mIRC executable using mIRC's built-in command "/langdll -m". This will create a language DLL, "mirc-en-US.dll", in the languages folder.
- Change the language code at the end of the filename to the target language code, eg. fr-FR, es-ES, and so on. The filename must use this format: it should begin with "mirc" and end with the language code "-en-US" and ".dll".
Alternatively, you can use "/langdll -m [code]" to specify the language code, eg. for English US you can specify: 0x0409, 1033, or en-US. This then sets the language DLL name and the language for each resource section. Note that the DLL must be a single-language DLL. mIRC loads the resources as a neutral language.
- Set mIRC to use your language DLL in the mIRC Options/Display/Options dialog.
- Open the language DLL with a resource editor, such as Resource Hacker.
- Edit and translate the strings in the menus, dialogs, strings, and accelerators sections.
- Issues to look out for:
String specifiers, such as %s %S %d %ld %d and so on, must be present and in the same order in the translation.
Strings that refer to commands or identifiers should not be translated, eg. "* /command:" or "* $identifier:".
Colons ":" should not be added/removed or separated by spaces, eg. "User:" should not be changed to "User :" The same applies to other types of punctuation.
Many dialog titles begin with "mIRC". This should remain at the beginning of the title in the translation and should be followed by a space, like the original text. For example, "mIRC DCC Get" should not be changed to "mIRC-DCC-Get", as changing the format of text in this way can result in errors.
Translated text should be as close to the original as possible in length, format, and meaning. For example, if the original text does not include question/exclamation marks, these should not be added.
Capitalization of words/letters should not be changed unless necessary. For example, "A b c d e" should not be changed to "A B C D E".
When updating the version resource section, make sure that the "Translation" value in VarFileInfo matches that in StringFileInfo.
mIRC performs several checks when loading resources from a language DLL, including checking for matching sprintf() specifiers, id numbers, number of controls, and so on. If an external resource does not match the internal resource, the internal resource is used instead.
- You can use the command "/langdll -d oldmirc.exe newmirc.exe" to list the differences between two versions of mIRC (or even languages DLLs) so that you can see which resources have changed and need to be updated. This will also highlight any errors/warnings found in the translated text.
- If you find that mIRC is not using a translated dialog, string, etc. it may be that there is an issue with your translation. You can use the command "//langdll -d $mircexe mirc-en-US.dll" to compare the mIRC executable to the language DLL you are translating to check for errors.
- Please do not resize dialogs or resize/reposition controls in dialogs if a translation does not fit. If you find that this is needed, please let us know. We will make a change to mIRC's standard dialogs for support the longer translated text.
- If you have translated a language DLL into a particular language, please let us know by posting on the forums. We will review your language DLL and may add it to the language page on the website, with credit to you as the author.
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding mIRC's language support, please let us know by posting on the forums.
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mIRC 7.77 released
11/06/24 05:57 PM
Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.77 has been released today. This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Added support for loading translated resources from language DLLs. Updated all dialogs to support translated text. Updated OpenSSL library to v3.0.14 and CA root certificates cacert.pem file. Fixed $urlget() support for percent-encoded username:password format. Added /dns -mn switches to specify name server/request records. Fixed auto-op/voice/protect bug. Added server login support for SCRAM-SHA-224/384/512 authentication. Fixed $mid() maximum length bug. Fixed while/if script parser single-line break bug. Changed hyperlinks in dialogs to support tabbing. Updated Treebar DCC Send/Get to show progress bar. Fixed $zip() CRC check error for zero-byte files. How to upgrade?mIRC is distributed in an installer that installs mIRC on your computer for you. Simply download and run the installer from the download page on the mIRC website. Follow the instructions the installer gives to you. When upgrading all your old settings and scripts will stay as they were, if you want that. Read the questions the installer asks with care and nothing can go wrong. You will be chatting with the new mIRC in no time. If you get stuck or if you want to find out more about a certain feature, just click on a Help button or browse the Help file and you should find lots of hints to help you out. Where to download?As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page on the mIRC website. Registering mIRCAs you know, mIRC can be downloaded freely and evaluated for 30 days. If you find that you enjoy using mIRC, it would be great and much appreciated if you registered your copy. This licenses you to use your copy of mIRC and helps to support our continued work on mIRC. You can find out how to register here. Full list of Fixes, Changes and Additions.For a more detailed list of recent changes, please see the whatsnew.txt file. You will need to read through the help file to learn more about these changes and their impact. Some changes are obvious, some need getting used to - please take your time to play with them and see how they work. May we invite you to use these forums for all questions you might have? The forums offer great help with everything related to mIRC! Thanks for using mIRC, have fun on IRC!
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mIRC Server list
01/06/24 03:08 AM
How can I get my IRC network added to the mIRC Server list? == START HERE == n001=Random network name (Network) = random server ( = port range (6660-6669,..) = 667-6669 network contact person (your name) =Phil Taylor network contact email (your email) = network homepage (website) = http://ircchat.uslist of servers (page on website) = http:// average amount of users = 11 average amount of servers = 1 average amount of channels = 12 == END HERE ==
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SSL Connection to Proxy
13/05/24 04:22 AM
The way things currently work is you connect a proxy server then encrypt the data so the proxy server cannot edit/read the text. I propose a new way where you connect to the proxy using SSL and let the proxy server worry about an SSL connection to the IRC server based on port numbers alone. All it takes is a checkmark on the Proxy page on options to use SSL for proxy server. I know its a long shot but it would help me a great deal since currently for people to connect to my proxy they have to specify an SSL port without the + sign then the proxy server autodetects the port number and starts an SSL connection to the IRC server. This way the proxy server can change and read the text coming to and from the proxy server.
Thank You very much.
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