Making assumptions here...
If every IP were possible (with the highest IPv4 address being, we could have 4,294,967,294 addresses.. If it were a 5 point system (256^5-2) you have 1,099,511,627,774 addresses available. I know that IPv6 is more involved than just 0-255.. But just with the 5 point system (which IPv5 was skipped as it was for something else that got scrapped).. My question is.. What IP range is going to be for those on the moon?
Every walking person on earth, their cat, dog, tv, microwave, watch, car, cell phone and toilet could have an IP address and only make a scratch in the available addresses...

Just some food for thought. (One day I might actually read the details of IPv6.. But knowing that it's a 128bit addressing system is.. well... WHOA)