Ok, first off, when i said GDI32 i meant User32 :tongue:.

Next: I did A LOT of trial and error and dif debugging and I determined that the error was NOT caused by mIRC or the SetMenu function. I tried for about an hour to figure out exactly what was going wrong but I had no luck, so I decided to completely rewrite it.

Good news is: It works wonderfully, When I rewrote it, I made it a lot less complicated (by removing a lot of the features :'(, but oh well, I can add them later) which in the end turned to be for the better.

Anyway, thank you so much Naru, you've been a great help and I will be sure to mention you in the credits/thanks section when I release something. I read in Grimz's docs,

Naru - You're the elitest chick I've ever known ... where the hell did you go? =(

and if this is the same Naru, then it is definately true :tongue:. I hope that I might be able to help you some day, or that we might be able to work together some time (i always enjoy coding with someone who's good :tongue: it's so much better then constantly helping n00bs although, i guess someone has to do it :tongue:, someone did it for me smile ).