In the About Dialog

Typing "arnie" (without the "" ) changes Khaleds face to Arnie the mIRC Mascot

In the same window press your left mouse button on the mIRC icon, and it changes to
an older mIRC icon.

also in the same About dialog, press your right mouse button on the mIRC icon and
look carefully around the word mIRC© v6.1 and watch a dot spring up n down.

In the Toolbar uptop, with the options and remote icons are, press your right mouse
button on the about icon, and it changes to a smile.

These are some of the easter eggs i know of that work in V6.1, i had a list of other eggs,
for versions prior to 6.0, but i lost them.
try here
i think they have a list somewhere, but dont expect all the eggs to work on V6.1, try them with previous versions, before 6.0


Never argue with an idiot...they'll drag you down to their level and beat you up with experience