What you are doing is a violation of international copyright laws and punishable by law.

as a matter of fact, copyright was made so that you can't take any kind of work, and sell it or distribute it as your own. lately some countries decided that a few different laws might apply to certain things.

however, at this moment, i do not know any country where it is forbidden to copy a book, for example, if you are not giving it out, or publish it in any kind, quote from it, etc. etc. it is for example not allowed usually to copy a page out of a book, and distribute it to others, etc. etc.

i have never heard of, and can't envision any judge jury to sentence you to anything, if you simply make a copy of every book you have, if you do not give it to anyone else to read ( ok, why someone would make that copy anyway is another story )

likewise, i doubt that anyone will care if you take a program, and resource-edit it, for example to have a larger channel-central, if it is only for your own personal use, as long as you do not distribute it. ( which is what i did till 6.03 for my personal copy, which i did NOT pass on to anyone else ) and i doubt that any judge on this planet who is in his right mind will actually care.

Sentinel scripter ( current version X, alpha )