Which part of "Why can't we all get along?" are you having so much difficulty understanding? Please tell me and I'm quite sure I can increase your understanding of the concept.

No one really cares how you pronounce GIF/JPG/PNG, or how anyone else does, for that matter. Is your telling me I'm wrong going to alter how I pronounce GIF with a hard G (like many other people in the world), even though the folks that created it, like "choosy mothers", choose "Jif"? Not a chance. I think it's interesting to hear how others pronounce acronyms or file extensions, but I lose no sleep over it...nor do I bother telling they are wrong (it might very well be that my pronunciation is wrong). Some folks call .bmp files "bump files" while others are quite comfortable calling them "bitmapped files" or just "bitmaps."

Many people pronounce URL as "earl", other spell it out (I do). Khaled says "Em-Eye-Are-See"; I say "merk". Does he understand me when I call it "merk?" Every time. Linus Torvalds, the creator of linux, says "LEE-nooks"; most of the rest of the world uses "LIN-ux" or "LY-nux". Do we all understand each other? Fairly well, actually - as well as anyone can be understood by normal people when discussing something as complex and convoluted as flavors of UNIX and their close relations.

A lie is an intentional misrepresentation of what is known to be true by the speaker at the time the statement was made. An opinion cannot be a lie unless the speaker is deranged; that opinion may (or may not) be an uninformed one, the correction of which might (or might not) cause the speaker to alter their opinion.

You have been proven wrong in these forums before; you will be again. I have been proven wrong and will be again. That trend will continue. (That doesn't mean we were lying when we said what we did.) There is absolutely no reason to assign generic names to people, however much you might believe them to be true. Did I disagree with you when you were calling pheonix an idiot for the continous and consistently incorrect posts he was making? No, I agreed with you completely because those posts proved themselves; you were merely commenting on what was blatantly self-evident. However, I did not make the same deragatory comments you did because there is always the chance he might learn from his mistakes. Has pheonix improved? Yes, I believe he has dramatically improved recently.

I'm extremely tired of you and Watchdog (this applies to both of you, as well as to several others here) bickering with each other. I quite enjoy when you are both bringing meaningful content to any discussion. When it breaks down into mudslinging, muckraking and flamewars (and most especially when the thread gets dramatically off-topic to the detriment of the thread), it's time to cease it. Why do you think so many threads have had to be locked? Because often times the thread of the discussion has deteriorated into petty self-aggrandizement to the point that the thread is no longer helping anyone, which IS why we are here, after all.

Please continue to provide the wonderful content and lose the derogatory attitudes that have been tarnishing the posts. I very much dislike editing someone else's post because my editing can often change the original intent of the author, but I can, have and will do so again. Further such posts will be edited or deleted as they are found by a moderator. Continued abuse and flagrant disregard of netiquette will be treated accordingly.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C