i couldn't get the following script to work in mIRC 7.52 . i've set the timestamp to both [hh:nn:ss.x] and [hh:nn:ss.xxx] and neither work. am i missing something?

Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog
Fixed bugs:
alias ctimeex {
  if (!$~isid || !$~hget(misc,milliseconds.ticks) == $~null || $~v1 > $~ticks) {
    if (!$hget(misc)) hmake misc 1
    !var %c $~ctime + 1
    while ($~ctime < %c) { !noop }
    !hadd misc milliseconds.ticks $~ticks
    if (!$~isid) !return
  !var %m $~ticks - $~hget(misc,milliseconds.ticks),%m %m % 1000
  !return $~+($~ctime,.,$~base(%m,10,10,3))
alias timestampex {
  if ($~hget(misc,milliseconds.ticks) == $~null || $~v1 > $~ticks) ctimeex
  !var %m $~ticks - $~hget(misc,milliseconds.ticks),%m %m % 1000
  !return $~replacexcs($~asctime($~ctime,$~timestampfmt),xxx,$~base(%m,10,10,3),x,%m)
on *:LOAD:ctimeex
on *:START:ctimeex