Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog
I'll mention again; ticks is not really viable if your want is accuracy. There's quite a bit of overhead that costs precious milliseconds using this methodology. Between the scripted calculations and mIRC's internal lookups ticks can be off by up to 100ms in some cases.

I agree - if you want real ms accuracy, then $ticks is not good enough for several reasons:
  1. If you are trying to calculate the time between mIRC events accurately, the resolution for $ticks is only 15ms or 16ms, so the interval could be as much as 32ms out.
  2. If you are wanting accuracy against an external clock, then not only do you have the above, but you also have to account for mIRC's overhead, the accuracy of the Windows clock etc.

But if all you want is a ms timestamp which gives greater accuracy that integer seconds and shows an approximate ms time, of if you want e.g. to measure 10ths of a second, then it is quite good enough.