Originally Posted By: Wims
$ticks are not actually "timer ticks" - timer ticks are (on my system) every 15-16ms. $ticks is a ms timer which is updated by 15 or 16ms every time a timer tick occurs.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, $ticks is based on your system timer:
Originally Posted By: https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/windows/desktop/ms724408(v=vs.85).aspx
The resolution of the GetTickCount function is limited to the resolution of the system timer, which is typically in the range of 10 milliseconds to 16 milliseconds.

Exactly! We are saying the same thing even if my terminology was not great.
Originally Posted By: Wims
then that will be more likely to be accurate. But more importantly, this also ensures
So first it's more likely to be accurate, and then it ensures it will work? that's contradictory.
Getting lower chances to get a buggy display by adding 8 to $ticks does not solve the problem. Getting rid of the problem and having a timestamp correctly handling millisecond are two different things!

By adding 8, the range of inaccuracy goes from 0-16 ms early to +/- 8ms. In other words it is correct to within 8ms instead of correct to within 16ms.

However, you may be right that adding 8 makes it less buggy rather than definitely not buggy. I will need to think about this when I am less tired. It may be that we need to use the following $ticks value as the offset which will be 10-16 greater.