Below's a merge of the "delayed rejoin of open channels" code and the "join favorites" code (with a fixed nulltoken-alias and fixes in the parsing of what this alias returns).
It should allow you to join both "favorites" and "open channels" with the specified delay and take all the settings of the favorites into account (e.g. passwords).
Rejoined channels won't come to the fore if "%bgjoin" is set to "$true". Channels of the favorites will come to the fore if 1) the chan isn't already open and 2) "minimize on join" wasn't ticked for this channel.
Note that one issue remains: "/server <someserver> -j #chan1,#chan2" will connect but won't join the channels specified, because "autojoin -s" will skip the channels of the -j parameter too. This could be addressed with a custom /server alias, but I rather won't fiddle about it...
on *:connect: {
  ; ######## SETUP START ########
  ; (re)join channels with a delay of (N in seconds):
  var %delay = 10

  ; rejoin open channels in background ($true/$false):
  var %bgjoin = $true
  ; ######## SETUP END #########

  autojoin -s

  var %t = $+(delayjoin.chans.,$cid)
  ; set channels to rejoin - loop open channels (if "rejoin on connect" was set in the options)
  if ($hget(delayjoin.usedcids,$cid)) && ($gettok($readini($mircini,options,n2),27,44)) {
    var %n = 1
    while ($chan(%n)) {
      hadd -m %t $v1 $iif(%bgjoin == $true,-n) $chan(%n)
      inc %n
  ; set channels to join - loop favorites (if "enable join on connect" was set in the favorites' general options)
  if ($gettok($readini($mircini,options,n4),37,44)) {
    var %n = 1
    while ($ini($mircini,chanfolder,%n)) {
      tokenize 11 $ini.tokens(44,$!null,$readini($mircini,chanfolder,$v1))
      if (!$hget(%t,$1)) && (($4 == $!null) || ($istok($noqt($4),$network,44))) && ($5 != $!null) && ($me !ison $1) {
        hadd -m %t $1 $iif($6,-n) $1 $iif($3 != $!null,$3)
      inc %n
  ; delayed join of all channels set - start timers
  var %n = 1
  while ($hget(%t,%n).data) {
    $+(.timer,.delayjoin.chans.,$cid,.,%n) 1 $calc((%n -1) * %delay) JOIN $safe2u($v1)
    inc %n

on *:disconnect: {
  hadd -m delayjoin.usedcids $cid $true
  if ($hget($+(delayjoin.chans.,$cid))) { hfree $v1 }
  $+(.timer,.delayjoin.chans.,$cid,.*) off

alias -l ini.tokens {
  var %c = $iif($1 isnum,$v1,$asc($v1)), %co = $base(%c,10,8), %null = $2
  var %t = $regsubex($$3-,/(?<=^|\ $+ %co $+ )(".+?")(?=\ $+ %co $+ |$)/g,$replace(\t,$chr(%c),$chr(1)))
  var %t = $regsubex(%t,/\ $+ %co $+ (?=\ $+ %co $+ )/g,$chr(%c) $+ %null )
  return $replacexcs(%t,$chr(%c),$chr(11),$chr(1),$chr(%c))

alias safe2u { bunset &a | bset -t &a 1 $1 | return $!regsubex(safe2u, $bvar(&a,1-) ,/(\d+)(?: |$)/g,$chr(\1)) }

Edit: forgot to account for the "rejoin on connect" setting.