Originally Posted By: Tomao
it seems like I have to leave unticked the option in mirc "rejoin channels on connect"

I believe you can have that checked now.
5 sec delay before opening each channel

The script below will initiate a 5 second delay within every added channel.
on *:CONNECT: { .autojoin -s | var %x = $numtok(%y,44) | while (%x > 0) { .timer 1 $calc(%x * 5) join $gettok(%y,%x,44) | dec %x } }
on *:DISCONNECT: { set -e %y #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,#chan4,#chan5,#chan6,#chan7,#chan8,#chan9,#chan10 }

It may not be as sophisticated as what Horstle has made, but I think it gets the job done fairly decent.

Thanks Tomao. I will test all these and see what happens.