Originally Posted By: Horstl
I found the following but I can't seem to get it to work.


During the rejoin it shows "AUTOJOIN Unknown command" in the status window. Is the script faulty or something else?

No BNC, just standard Mirc and without any scripts running either.

Hum, the "autojoin" command was introduced in mIRC v6.17, so I think you just need to update your mIRC... Also make sure to put the script in a separate "remote scripts" file.
Here's a modified version of the script that won't evaluate channel names.
on *:disconnect: { set -e %disconnectedcids $addtok(%disconnectedcids,$cid,32) }
on *:connect:{
  if ($istok(%disconnectedcids,$cid,32)) {
    autojoin -s
    var %i = 1
    while $chan(%i) { $+(.timer,delayjoin,$cid,$chr(1),$v1) 1 $calc((%i -1) *10) join $!gettok($ctimer,2,1) | inc %i }

This should make you rejoin each channel with a delay of 10s.

I've just installed 6.17 and tried your script. I no longer get the "AUTOJOIN Unknown command" but instead I get the following.

* Skipping autojoin of channels...

Despite that message above, it rejoins the channels immediately without delay. I tried changing from 10 sec up to 30 sec etc, but there's still no delay. I also tried with the option "Rejoin channels on connect" both ticked and unticked with the same result.

Any thoughts?
