This sort of problem always makes me think of this cartoon:

Even if we force recursion [a] is all we'll get.
alias htmlfree {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $replace(%x,&nbsp;,$chr(32))
  if ($regex(%x,/<|>/)) {
    while (%x != $htmlfree.recurse(%x)) { 
      echo -a %x
      %x = $v2
  return %x
alias htmlfree.recurse return $htmlfree($1);

//echo -a $htmlfree(<p> <p /> <sup id="en-NIV-26127" class="vnum" value='16'>16</sup>Here is normal text.<sup class='footnote' value='[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]'>[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]</sup>)

I opted for the lazy recursion rather then cracking at PCRE's (?R)

first iteration => 16Here is normal text.a]'>[a]
second iteration => [a]

In these case cracking out your own parser is needed and happens elsewhere too in mIRC this would be a huge performance hit though it might be better to delage the work wink

alias nohtml {
  if (!$1) return
  .comopen h htmlfile
  .comclose h $com(h,write,1,bstr,$1) $com(h,body,3,dispatch* b) $com(b,innertext,3)
  var %x = $com(b).result
  .comclose b
  return %x

//echo -a $htmlfree(<p> <p /> <sup id="en-NIV-26127" class="vnum" value='16'>16</sup>Here is normal text.<sup class='footnote' value='[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]'>[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]</sup>)

returns 16Here is normal text.[a]

It connects with MSHTML.HTMLDocument which should be available since windows 95 and up.

EDIT: Oh and someone name and shame the guy for nesting HTML tags within attribute values!

Last edited by Mpdreamz; 20/02/09 11:58 AM.
