Thats not the a I see :P Ill make red all HTML tags green = what should be :P Actual HTML tags are derived such as < or > therefore the a is not inside an HTML its (OUT)


<p> <p /> <sup id="en-NIV-26127" class="vnum" value='16'>16</sup>Here is normal text.<sup class='footnote' value='[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]'>[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]</sup>

Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Well, that works except the other a. It *shouldn't* be there. It's part of the html just like a link would be.


<sup class='footnote' value='[<a href="#fen-NIV-26127a" title="See footnote a">a</a>]'>

Just to look at that part. The red, you agree shouldn't be there. The "a" that you said should be there, if you look closely, is part of the green value in the html the same way that 'footnote' is. value='a' is basically what you're seeing there. The a doesn't belong.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }