When people like you start to imply things and "think up" facts, anything may happen (even an armed act of "liberation" against a sovereign state).

This is yet another stab at the war in Iraq. (sorry for the insults) but after reading everything you've said, I realize (yet again) you are a fool and I'm wasting my time trying to convince you that you are wrong. I could tell you the sky is blue and you will argue the sky is actually invisible, not blue. I could say the grass is green and you'd say the grass itself is not green it is the chlorophyll pigment in it that is green. I could say gravity pulls you down and you'd argue, how do you know which way is down? You are confrontational and annoying. Anytime someone says something you take it as a personal insult to your integrity and ego. Grow up, fight your own battles (DaWickedOne never said "Oh please Necroman defend me, I'm to stupid to do it myself"), and learn how to present your self in a manner fitting of someone your age.

Too bad this forum doesn't have an "ignore posts by" feature, cause I'd certainly use it on you.