I was able to get my on !join working perfectly, but I'd like more in it. For instance, instead of just msging Join attempted, it would tell you wether or not the attempt working. I don't know the commands for interpreting data from Services.

Current script:

;Bot controls

on syscon:text:!part*:?:{
  if ($2 == $null) { /notice $nick Specify channel. | halt }
  if ($2 !ischan ) { /notice $nick I'm already off $$2 $+ . | halt }
  if ($2 != $null) { /part $2 | /notice $nick Parted $$2 $+ . | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 $$2 via msg | halt } 

on syscon:text:!part*:#:{
  if ($2 == $null) { /part $chan | msg $chan Parted $chan $+ . | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 on $chan| halt }
  if ($2 !ischan ) { msg $chan I'm already off $$2 $+ . | halt }
  if ($2 != $null) { /part $2 | msg $chan Parted $$2 $+ . | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 $$2 on $chan | halt } 
on syscon:text:!join*:?:{
  if ($2 == $null) { /notice $nick Specify channel. | halt }
  if ($3 == $null) { goto ?$3null }
  if ($2 ischan) { /notice $nick I'm already on $$2 $+ . | halt }
  if ($3 != $null) { /join $$2 $$3 | /notice $nick Join attempt on $$2 with key $$3 complete. | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 $$2 with key $$3 via msg | halt }
  if ($2 != $null) { /join $$2 | /notice $nick Join attempt on $$2 complete. | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 $$2 via msg | halt }

on syscon:text:!join*:#:{
  if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan Specify channel. | halt }
  if ($3 == $null) { goto ?$3null }
  if ($2 ischan) { /notice $nick I'm already on $$2 $+ . | halt }
  if ($3 != $null) { /join $$2 $$3 | msg $chan Join attempt on $$2 with key $$3 complete. | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 $$2 with key $$3 via msg | halt }
  if ($2 != $null) { /join $$2 | msg $chan Join attempt on $$2 complete. | /write C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\op_log.txt On $date(dddd $+ $chr(44) mmmm d $+ $chr(44) yyyy) at $time(h:nn:ss TT) $nick used $$1 $$2 via msg | halt }

; #uranme part
on uranmepart:text:!leave_uranme:*:{
  if ($me ischan #uranme) { /part #uranme | /notice $nick Parted #uranme | halt }
  if (me !ischan #uranme) { /notice $nick I'm not on #uranme. | halt }

Last edited by Mpot; 24/09/07 08:37 PM.