This is not working. It works all the way to the message, and then messages the $nick, but the $read isn't working, so the bot messages the nick with one word, the nickname of the person who insulted them, and it messes up.

This should be working. I have another script, in the same exact directory, with a $read of a file in that directory, and it works fine. >.>

EDIT: I changed it to read the file that the other script does, and it worked. Which leads me to believe that insult.txt is buggered. But the problem is, I tried several other .txt's, didn't work...

on *:TEXT:!insult*:#:{
  if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan Specify someone to insult. }
  msg $$2 $nick $read(insult.txt) | closemsg $$2 | msg $chan $$2 has been insulted.

on *:TEXT:!insult*:?:{
  if ($2 == $null) { msg $nick Specify someone to insult. }
  msg $$2 $nick $read(insult.txt) | closemsg $$2 | msg $nick $$2 has been insulted.

And, insult.txt:


Last edited by Mpot; 29/09/07 09:53 PM.