dialog ignor {
size -1 -1 200 120
title "Warning!"
text %ignor is trying to Cyber! ,1, 16 10 150 20
text "Do You Want to Ignore?",2, 30 30 150 20
button "YES",3, 30 60 40 20, Ok
button "NO",4, 108 60 40 20, Cancel
box "",5, 1 1 198 118
box "",6, 1 100 198 118
box "",7, 1 90 198 118
box "",8, 1 49 198 121
box "",9, 2 2 196 54
on *:TEXT:*:?:{
%ignor = $nick
dialog -md ignor ignor
on *:DIALOG:ignor:sclick:3:{
.ignore %ignor 2
.msg %ignor You have been ignored.
.unset %ignor
} [/color]