Note this
parallel thread, perhaps there's some correlation between these two bugs.
Does it ever crash mIRC on its first use, or only subsequent uses?
Does it ever crash if $0 is greater-than 1?
Neither of these crashes 6.03 or 6.10.
//tokenize 44 a | echo -a $*//tokenize 44 a b c d e | echo -a $*This echos the text then produces a GPF in 6.03 on the first try, but does not crash 6.10.
//tokenize 44 a b c d e f | echo -a $*This produces a GPF in 6.03 without echoing any text, but does not crash 6.10.
//tokenize 44 a b c d e f g | echo -a $*This produces a GPF in 6.03 AND 6.10, but only echos text in 6.10 before crashing.
//tokenize 44 a b c d e f g h | echo -a $*And so on.
- Raccoon