The smoke has cleared, and by now everyone has worn out their mirc.hlp and
versions.txt looking to see if their feature suggestion made the cut.
The purpose of this thread is to gleem an idea of what features people were really looking forward to seeing, only to have their hopes dashed like so many misfortunate children on christmas morning. :tongue:
There are as many as 996 features that have been suggested on this forum, and only about 35 of them made it into v6.1. Granted, most of the suggestions made here are hastily thought up, or already exist in another shape or form... but there are many that I'm sure we're all suprised didn't make it this time around. This register will help us rehash these last 12 months of feature suggestions and hopefully narrow it down to a top 20 or so, reasonable and/or popular suggestions.
Guidelines (wishful thinking) for this thread:
1. Simply state an ultra-brief description of the suggestion, with a link to the original thread where the suggestion was made. Alternatly, just post a long list of links with no descriptions other than the thread's title.
2. Don't comment, critique, approve of (me too!) or disapprove of (that sux!) the suggestions in this thread. This should be done in said suggestion's own thread. Including a link to a suggestion that someone else already linked to is not as lame as "Me too!", and is encouraged.
If you think this thread in itsself is lame... you don't have to post nor read it. I also appreciate all of the hard work Khaled has put into mIRC, and don't mean any disrespect or bad karma with this post. This thread is meant as a helpful reminder for anyone interested in knowing which features we'd most like to see. It's also better than 20 seperate threads asking "Why didn't (this-or-that) suggestion make it?"
- Raccoon
PS. Try not to post features just suggested in the past few weeks.
That would be exceedingly tacky.