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Babel fish
Babel fish
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On networks that allow local channels, prefix &, the /msg command is not working, returning such an error: "* /msg: invalid window"
Interestingly, I tested it on mIRC 7.47 and it works correctly. That is, it was some recent change that broke the command.
Despite the error, mIRC is returning $chantypes correctly.
rockcavera #Scripts @ irc.VirtuaLife.com.br
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can't confirm this bug.
On EFnet: /join &testing /msg &testing test 123
works fine for me.
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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At EFnet it worked here.
However, at VirtuaLife, no. irc.virtualife.com.br
Just the /msg command does not work, since /say works and typing straight into the channel edit also works.
Extra info:
numeric 005 server VirtuaLife: "WALLCHOPS KNOCK SAFELIST FNC CPRIVMSG IMODES CNOTICE WATCH=128 MODES=6 MAXBANS=50 MAXTARGETS=1 NICKLEN=31 TOPICLEN=400 KICKLEN=400 CHANNELLEN=30 CHANTYPES=#& CHANMODES=b,k,lf,ABcdiKmnOpqQrRsStZ SILENCE=10 CHARMAPPING=rfc1459 NETWORK=VirtuaLife MAXCHANNELS=25 PREFIX=(qaohv)~&@%+ são suportados neste servidor. CODPAGE=utf8,iso8859-1,iso8859-5,iso8859-9,cp1251,cp1253,cp850,cp860,cp866 são suportados neste servidor."
rockcavera #Scripts @ irc.VirtuaLife.com.br
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Can you reproduce on 7.55 or 7.56? Looks like 7.56 is the one breaking the change.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for your bug report.
Based on your 005 results, the reason for this is that the server is using the same & prefix for both channels and nicknames.
In this case, /msg sees that the parameter begins with a nickname prefix, so removes it, but then finds that the result is not a valid channel name.
I am going to remove this check in the next beta, although I believe someone may have requested this check for a reason.
That said, there are many routines in mIRC that, in some contexts, check prefixes to determine if a parameter is/is not a channel/nickname. By using the same prefix for channels and nicknames, the server has made this somewhat ambiguous.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I tested the previous versions, the error starts in version 7.53. That is, version 7.52 was the last one that the command worked on.
rockcavera #Scripts @ irc.VirtuaLife.com.br
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Thanks for the explanation, Khaled.
rockcavera #Scripts @ irc.VirtuaLife.com.br
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I tested the previous versions, the error starts in version 7.53. That is, version 7.52 was the last one that the command worked on. rockavera: Indeed. That's the version where all the messaging commands had a major overhaul and unification internally. 29/11/2018 - mIRC v7.53
20.Added /privmsg command.
21.Added support for CPRIVMSG and CNOTICE. If listed in numeric 005,
PRIVMSG and NOTICE will be automatically upgraded for most
outgoing messages if you are an op/voice on a channel and message
a user on the same channel.
22.Added support for numeric 005 STATUSMSG=@+ and WALLVOICES and added
commands /vmsg, /vnotice, and /wallvoices. If server does not support
STATUSMSG, WALLCHOPS, or WALLVOICES, mIRC uses own method to send to
multiple targets.
23.Changed line splitting method for long messages when:
1) Sending message through editbox of a channel/query window.
2) Using commands /ame /amsg /describe /me /msg /omsg /privmsg /qme
/qmsg /query /sound /vmsg /wallchops.
Note: when line splitting, the /sound command switches to an ACTION
message for the second line onwards.
Note: line splitting is not performed on NOTICEs, so is not applied
to /notice /onotice /vnotice /wallvoices.
24.Changed multiple target handling in PRIVMSG and NOTICE so that if
TARGMAX or MAXTARGETS are not specified in numeric 005, mIRC assumes
the maximum is one target per message.
Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!