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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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* IdentD failed to listen on port 113: Address in use
(22:10:02) * Connecting to irc.swiftirc.co.uk (6668)...
(22:10:23) * Unable to connect to server (The attempt to connect timed out:10060)
(22:10:23) * Disconnected


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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I was using AfterNET on my old comp, but now that I am using my laptop I can no longer connect to the server. It says this:

* Connect retry #99 irc.afternet.org (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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-irc.afternet.org- *** Looking up your hostname
-irc.afternet.org- *** Checking your IP against DNS ban lists

Perhaps your IP is banned.

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I'm new to this, I'm just trying to get mIRC to work. Whenever I try and connect it keeps bringing up this message.

Connecting to irc.dejatoons.net (6667)

Unable to connect to server (Invalid argument)

Connect retry #1 irc.dejatoons.net (6667) (dns pool)

(I typed it as it wouldn't copy)

It just keeps on trying to connect with no luck, Any help please?

Last edited by Fox_McCloud; 24/09/07 02:10 AM.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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* Connecting to irc.gamesurge.net (6667)
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #1 irc.gamesurge.net (6667) (dns pool)

On a laptop using my college's wireless. My friend said it might be cause Port 6667 is blocked, but I cant seem to change it to 7000. What should I do?

Pengu #186641 24/09/07 01:27 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It might be that they blocked IRC completely and if that's the case I don't think we can help you evade. Most colleges usually block ports 6665-7000.

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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Well I managed to connect once ceating a new server using port 7000, but that doesnt seem to work anymore. Is there anyway around this?? Perhaps dling another IRC client?

Pengu #186679 24/09/07 08:51 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If using another port doesn't work in mIRC, it will not work in any other client. If you try using a port and it tries to connect and fails, then it just means that they blocked it. Perhaps they only blocked 6667 to begin with and after you used it on 7000, they noticed and chose to block everything.

Remember that if you try to get around a block that they purposely put in place, you risk disciplinary action from the college/university that may include being banned from their network and/or being expelled. Be careful what you do that you know they don't want you doing.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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I am a newbie .... have downloaded Thug V1.1 and having connection problems. When I bring up THUG everything looks fine, Status shows proper nickname. When I check Client side it is set up and a checkmark beside email addy. When I check mIRC Options everything looks right there too. I have the room I go to in my favorites, click on that and it wont connect to the server I get "unable to resolve server" error message, and if i click on open new window and connect i get welcome to buzzen chat service with nick and passport# @guestgate, so I connect that way but as a guest....I need to get rid of that, but everything I try isnt working can someone help plse ty

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First thing to try, is connecting with just mIRC.

Remove Thug and any other scripts that you have, then try connecting. This should enable you/us to determine if it's mIRC or THUG that's causing problems.

If you can connect properly with THUG removed, then you need to contact them.

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i got a problem with my irc server which is /server irc.icq.com 6667. It keeps saying (18:43) * Connecting to irc.icq.com (6667).then next it says (18:43) * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out). Has this ever happened to anybody else because this is starting to give me the shits as im a regular chatter on it. It has been doing the same shit for 3 days now which i want to get it fixed.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hi, I just tried irc.icq.com and managed to connect just fine, however it is possible there was a problem in the dns pool OR you are not able to fully resolve the hostname, with that in mind try /server

Good luck

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Although I successfully connected using 6667 with no problems, you could try using alternative ports like 6668, 6669, 6666, 6665 and 7000.

RoCk #187801 12/10/07 11:26 PM
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You are infected with a trojan, please clean your PC (ID: 219).
Closing Link: TrailDawG by gameservers.il.us.quakenet.org (G-lined)

This is the message I get when I try to login to IRC. The problem started when someone name Boox4 told me to join the channel #b0t for items for my game outwar. I joined and then I immediatly got disconnected and now I get this error. I scanned my computer twice with McAfee and still I get this error. Any help please?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Bans often last 24-48 hours. Unless you are able to contact the network for help getting it removed sooner, you'll have to wait. You can try going to the network's website and look for contact information there. They may be willing to remove it sooner if you talk to them.

In the future, you should be careful about doing what people on IRC tell you. That's a good way to get not just banned, but viruses and trojans.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Originally Posted By: ParaBrat
In most cases this is because you have tried to connect to a server that doesnt exist (perhaps you mistyped it) or is down. By using your favorite search engine, find the website for the network you are trying to connect to and look at their list of linked servers. Make a note of a few of them, (Since things change, the server list that comes with mIRC and even a networks website can be inaccurate at times)
and try to connect to them by typing in your main mIRC window:
/server theserver.info.here
like: /server dudley.irc.net (thats a fake one so dont try it)

Since it could be the entire network is down, try connecting to a different one to see if it works.

Try turning your scripts off.

Its possible that you/your isp are having dns probs, and you may need to connect to the ip rather than the domain name of the server. Like: /server 123.456.789.123
You can try getting that from /dns theserver.info.here (altho it may not work if you are having dns probs) or try checking their website.

It could just be the server is full, try another one

Some networks, like DALnet, have set their "round robin"/ Random (irc.dal.net), to not resolve correctly, so you will need to try connecting to a specific server. Again, check their websites or various sites on the web that keep track of server connections. (one site for DALnet servers is here and another is here )

Another possibility is that you have mIRC or the server ports blocked in firewall/router (yes, that includes the firewall in winxp). Server ports: 6660-6669, 7000-7001 and port 113 for identity

If your connection is timing out, you could try in mIRCs options file(or view, depending on version)/options/connect/options click on RETRY and increase the line "if not connected in ___ secs" a little bit ( i use 60 secs)

For details of other connection errors, please see this thread

If the prob is 10053 (software caused disconnect) then do a search here, all forums, expand the date range, using 10053 as search term. This seems to be very common (especially during dcc for xp users). There isnt any one-solution-fits-all, but you will find things that have worked for others. More specifically, see if this sticky thread helps you out, it has almost all advice we can give.

Hey everyone i'm new to mirc. I've heard of it before and used it a few times a while back. But i'm having connection issues. This is the message I get "Status:not connected(Abjects,irc.abjects.net). In mirc options I left everything as is. In local info the local hosts is checked, "lookup method is checked to server. But the Local host and Ip address is blank in the local info options. Could this be the problem?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No need to quote anything unless it is required for what you are posting.

The local info boxes will fill automatically when you connect, so if you're not connected, then it's not a problem if they are blank.

Did you try to connect? If so, how did you try? Did you press the connect button? Or did you go through the connection dialog? Please paste the entire connection message you are getting when trying to connect. Just typing what it says without including an exact paste of the entire attempt to connect doesn't help much.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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hi, i have problem connecting to my irc since yesterday. I've tried for so many times still connect. It keep saying connection timed out. Can i know what's happening? It seldom happen unless my connection got problem but this time my connection is alright onli irc is giving problem. Btw, i'm connecting to galaxynet. Can someone help me with this problem?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Have you tried other networks? Sometimes it is just a problem on one network or server.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I can't connect to irc.irchighway net now, and everything was allright few days ago
I get such message on connect:
* Connecting to irc.irchighway.net (6668)
Local host: 65-8-112-92.pool.ukrtel.net (
* Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out)
* Connect retry #1 irc.irchighway.net (6668) (dns pool)
Furthemore, I can't access site of irchighway.net!
I have Windows XP on my computer, DSL internet connection and I tried almost everything, even called my ISP
Thank you

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