<- :user1!x@86.131.XXX.XXX PROP #teen_ops OWNERKEY :arse
Prop looks exactly the same as KILL
<- :sadf!techacct@electrickz KILL user1 :test <- in debug of the user who was killed
<- :sadf!techacct@electrickz KILL user1 :test <- in the debug of all the other people on the server.
* user1 killed by sadf (test) <- in the status window of all users on the server
I don't see why this can't be implemented in, i've scripted everything else, and when someone on the server gets killed it looks out of place, i'm not being selfish, It just seems as though it should be able to be parsed. Alot of others agree.

I do see what you mean now, kind of a throttle.
How about a compromise, allow it to be parsed to change colours and what not, but not being able to add code to reconnect or something?