OK I get what your saying but this still wont help me. becuse I need to right all theys lines in a txt or mrc file right now it will stop at $chan part in the code.
 ^*:Text:*:#:{ echo  [color:red]$chan[/color]  %time1 %nick1 $1- $+  | haltdef } 

No basicly what you did was brake up my one %time1 var and made 3. I guessing all you did was just make the $ into vars? IF thats true then wouldent I have to make $chan or $nick parts into %vars too? So it seems to me Im gonna have to re-do my dialog to fit all theys changes?? am I right

and a small note on the examples dont worry about that part I already have something figured out.

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }