;You can set the vars here as defaults. (notice what i was saying about needing more vars..)
;also this way you dont HAVE to use a text.. it is however cleaner and faster to run a hash table for this.
;/help hash tables wink
on *:load:{
set %time1 .<<
set %nick1 >>.
set %pmtime1 .>>
set %pmnick1 >>.
menu menubar,channel,status {
.Theme text maker:textthemev1
dialog textthemev1 {
title "Text Theme Maker"
size -1 -1 242 170
option dbu
edit "", 1, 5 16 108 11, autohs
box "Channel Text", 2, 2 1 238 29
text "Time Display", 3, 6 8 34 7
text "Nick Display", 4, 120 7 33 7
edit "", 5, 119 16 108 11, autohs
box "PM Text", 6, 2 30 238 26
edit "", 7, 5 42 108 11, autohs
edit "", 8, 119 42 108 11, autohs
text "Time Display", 9, 7 36 31 6
text "Nick Display", 10, 120 35 31 7
box "PM Action Text", 11, 2 85 238 28
edit "", 12, 5 71 108 11, autohs
edit "", 13, 119 71 108 11, autohs
text "Time", 14, 6 63 15 7
text "Nick", 15, 121 63 25 7
box "Channel Action Text", 16, 2 56 238 28
edit "", 17, 5 99 108 11, autohs
text "Time", 18, 7 92 15 7
edit "", 19, 119 99 108 11, autohs
text "Nick", 20, 120 92 13 7
box "Your text look", 21, 2 115 238 28
edit "", 22, 6 128 108 11, autohs
edit "", 23, 120 128 108 11, autohs
text "Time", 24, 7 122 15 7
text "Nick", 25, 121 120 13 7
button "Make Text Theme", 26, 2 160 49 8, flat
button "Exit", 27, 55 160 37 8, flat, ok
text "Made By DeathfireD", 28, 188 156 53 8, disable
edit "", 29, 92 146 102 10
text "Theme Name", 30, 54 147 34 8
alias textthemev1 {
dialog -md textthemev1 textthemev1
; %time1 $+ $timestamp $+ %time1 -should be: %time1 $+ $timestamp $+ %time2 -or something to that effect..
on ^*:text:*:#:{
var %b = $nick
echo $chan %time1 $+ $timestamp $+ %time1 %nick1 $+ %b $+ %nick1 $1-
;OR this
on ^*:Text:*:?:{
var %a = $timestamp, %b = $nick
echo $chan %pmtime1 $+ %a $+ %pmtime1 %pmnick1 $+ %b $+ %pmnick1 $1-
on *:dialog:textthemev1:edit:*:{
if $did == 1 { set %time1 $did(1) }
if $did == 5 { set %nick1 $did(5) }
if $did == 7 { set %pmtime1 $did(7) }
if $did == 8 { set %pmnick1 $did(8) }
on *:dialog:textthemev1:init:0:{
did -a textthemev1 1 %time1
did -a textthemev1 5 %nick1
did -a textthemev1 7 %pmtime1
did -a textthemev1 8 %pmnick1
;so to answer your question yes you will have to change your dialog a little bit...
;maybe add a tab? so you dont have to alter it as much?
;if you still want to add it all to a txt file its your choice..
;if you follow the path i laid here youll get it working in no time smile
;<edited some code out just to make the post a little smaller smile >

this is a working example now wink

sometimes these are as bad as quit messages :tongue: