I don't know what planet you all live on, but the issue of whether ban evasion is a right or not is largely irrelevant. Just as an operator on IRC can ban anyone they want for largely whatever reason, a connected user can connect from any host they desire, be it through a proxy or not. As for IRC EULAs, AUPs or whatever you choose to call them, connecting to an IRC server does not signify an acceptance of such an agreement. These agreements are quasi-law at best, and one is not under an obligation to abide by those.

As far as I can tell, the poster has been banned unfairly and wishes for help on using a proxy so that he can get around the ban. I can't see that this is against my moral standards or any Norwegian laws, so here goes:

~url removed~

Above is a very helpful URL that will tell you how to set your mIRC up to work through a proxy. Of course, you don't have to subscribe to the proxy advertised on that page, you can use any proxy you can find that conforms to the standard.

I would ask myself though, "is it worth it?" Remember that you're trying to join a channel that chose to blanket ban you and many others.

Last edited by Karen; 13/06/04 01:16 AM.