You don't understand the culture of IRC usage then. I said that when you connect to IRC you are connecting to a computer that belongs to someone else. They set the terms of use, rules, regulations, acceptable use policies and the appropriate indemnity jargon.

You do not have any rights over property belonging to someone else any more than I or anyone else does. When people like you decide that you have the right to tell the owner of their equipment that you can do what you please then that is when stronger bans get laid and thus it just makes matters worse. No-one has ANY rights on IRC. Connection to a server is a privilege which can be removed at any time without a reason.

In addition, it's got nothing to do with what colour you are. Look at it in this light. If I am a shop owner and someone steals my stock I would then be entitled to refuse any further entry to them and any other convicted thief, or person I deem a thief, without fear of being sued for restraint of trade. On IRC people who evade bans (like you want to do) can be rebanned with a stronger ban.

There's no law against it either as IRC doesn't cost you anything.