I upgraded to mIRC 6.15 and I noticed some of my aliases made mIRC hang. I tracked it down to be a problem with non breaking spaces (the $chr(160) bug).

I tried a find/repalce in mIRC but it kept hanging on the aliases. I did a find/replace and replaced them all with normal spaces in an external editor.

Now every time I try and use a multiline alias I get this error message as many times as there are lines in the alias:

.----'-/'-/ Unknown command

(The reason I used none breaking spaces is because because mIRC tends (tended?) to collapse a sequence of spaces to one space after a /say in an alias so that screwed up ascii art and such.)

EDIT: I have been misguided by being focused on the aliases. The problem occurs for /say in any situation, be it on a channel, in a query, ... and be it typed in or aliased/scripted.

mIRC version: 6.15
date installed: 2004-06-06
OS: Windows 2000 Pro
hardware: Intel PII 450 MHz / 512 MB ram
connection: ADSL 3.3 Mbit down 128 kbit up

Last edited by turboke; 06/06/04 03:51 PM.