Not knowing what CTRL F does in mIRC (or any text programme in Windows) is the same as not knowing how to run a car's air conditioning system and no-one loses their licence for that do they...

Exactly. But if you live in Arizona and don't know how to use a car's air conditioning system, youre SOL. I hope you can get this analogy.

Must you continually voice your opinion as if newbies to the Internet/IRC are some sort of sub-species? They are not. Everyone has to learn. I was 12 when I started chatting, 14 when I started using IRC. Many would disapprove of that in itself, but look where I am now helping others out with what I myself have learnt from observation and a little bit of experience.

This has nothing to do with IRCers/Internet users. Just the simple Microsoft user. Provided youre using IE, press Control+F right now. What happens? The Find Dialog Box comes up. Control+F is fairly univeral.