There are thousands of servers out there. SearchIRC alone claims to cover over 1,800 networks, some of which may contain literally dozens of servers - reports knowing about over 5,800 servers on the 700 or so networks it covers! More to the point, over THREE HUNDRED of the networks listed by NetSplit have over 300 users already! shocked

This means that there are always going to be server admins who feel they should be included on mIRC's list and aren't, and even entire networks that aren't there. Heck, the mIRC list doesn't even include all the servers from the major (i.e. top 4) networks.

My advice to you is... patience.

Ultimately, only one person decides what goes on servers.ini and what doesn't - and that's Krejt. Now I don't know Krejt either in real life or online, but if he's a reasonably normal human being, the more you try to put pressure on him, the less likely you are to get what you want. Why? Because if he NOW adds you to the list, it will look like he's giving in, and lots and lots of other server admins will try to organise letter-writing campaigns in support of their efforts - which naturally, a normal person wouldn't want to put up with. On top of which, most people will naturally resist when pushed against, various religious and philosophical teachings notwithstanding.

Lastly, and to be quite blunt, no-one says that Krejt MUST be fair, even-handed or even logical in his choices. The fact that he tries to be is a great credit to him - it would be ever so easy just to cover the largest 20 networks and stop there, but the efforts made to encourage other networks are, to my mind, both praiseworthy and in the "old school" community spirit that IRC in general has lost in recent years.

For as it was written here a decade ago:

...humans are not perfect. Only Tao is.

The IRC is solid. The IRC is floating, and will always be dynamic. Live with that or /quit."



IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn
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