Hi again smile

Please note that Krejt is the only person who deals with these requests to the best of my knowledge. The board moderators have little (or nothing?) to do with the process of including or excluding servers from the server list.

From what I have seen Krejt describe of the process, it seems very fair indeed. As he said:

"very small networks, with like 10 users, will be removed from the list if they don't improve. But old networks that have served us well for years and years won't be removed from the list at their first flaw, or until they totally desintegrated."

Also note, removing the .com from your greeting is quite possibly good for getting your server included - but a new servers.ini is not going to be released just for your server. Wait for the next servers.ini release and see if it gets listed then.

I can assure you however, posts like this will not help you in getting your server listed wink - If you have opinions such as this, to save yourself from flaming replies etc, you might want to email Krejt via Tjerk[at]mirc.com, although he may reply here if he chooses.

Best of luck.

