Krejt did not tell you he hated you. He objected, as do i and as have many, to your poor attitude. If you dont like it here, you dont have to stay. You dont have to like a version. You dont have to like anything. You are entitled to express your opinion, as you frequently do. However, others are also entitled to take exception to your social skills. Considering the insults you have dished out to Khaled, Krejt, the beta team, the moderators, and other users, one would think you would be able to accept a blunt opinion given by someone else.

Now feel free to call me names again, but i see no useful purpose to leaving this thread open. You have given your opinion, as have others. Since you seem to feel its only purpose now is to advise others of clients to use besides mIRC, i gather you agree with my assessment. Ppl can find other clients on, with their favorite search engine and widely mentioned in other threads, and i am sure they can easily find you to partake of your advice.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet