"Based on the fact that 6.12 was just released I take it that no fix for 6.03 is planned? "

From lastest news thread:
"mIRC v6.12 has been released to address a remote vulnerability found yesterday, capable of crashing your mIRC."

I would think the need to address this issue ASAP would be obvious. If Khaled hadnt, you would be complaining he was ignoring the issue. He releases v6.12 and you complain.
Other versions besides 6.03 were also effected, but in varying ways. Makes sense to me to do one release that will resolve the issue if ppl wish to take advantage of it. PPl who dont wish to upgrade can continue to ignore all dccs or avail themselves of scripts to combat the exploit. An exploit was found, a lot of ppl worked hard to deal with it, Khaled worked hard to get a fix release out fast. You of course are still not happy.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet