I am in full agreement with codemastr here. I don't intend this to be a personal attack on anyone in particular but over the past two months I have seen the management of this board change alot, infact change too much and the issue raised by codemastr is the reason I simply cannot be bothered with participating here anymore. I still come and read comments but I am afraid that it is simply not worth the effort contributing because it is painfully obvious to myself and a few others here that just because an admin/moderator here is having a stinker of a day it means that being in possession of a delete buttom makes him right. I beg to differ and offer the view that a delete button might make someone bask in endless justification for their actions but it certainly doesn't make them right.

I never recall having one of my posts edited or altered by anyone with that power vested in them. Why? Simple answer, I have never broken any of the rules. However, I, like codemastr, and perhaps others here, have had posts removed without any reason given as to why or even to let us know by who so we can, if required, query the issue in order to have any apparent problems rectified. The lack of communication and the apparent lack of respect shown for the users here amazes me somewhat. Perhaps the fact that there are 25,000 registered users obviously means that it is time to treat regular contributors (HINT: The ones that do just as much helping, if not more, than Khaled, Krejt and all moderators combined) like numbers rather than an invaluable asset to this forum. Aside from this theory I fail to see why GENERAL COMMENTS are often treated with blatant contempt, an issue I raised via private message with Krejt twice and was met with ignorance each time. This in itself proves that consultation via private message holds no value to quality improvement here what-so-ever. Indeed I am typing this post with the knowledge that it may not be here tomorrow and quite frankly, given that I have raised the issue before, I really couldn't care less. I know one thing to be true though, I have seen threads here solely devoted to a hot topic of one kind or another which contains 50+ posts and not only have they died a natural death, IE: when everyone involved simply gets sick of repeating themselves over and again, but such threads are proven not to diminish the overall quality of discussions.

You guys, in my view, need to recognise that there are times when people are not going to have the same views and these places are here for various points of view to be put. Killing discussions for the fun of it or simply because you can is the direct opposite of what you should be trying to achieve. Take the MS Office paperclip discussion. There was no harm in what was being discussed. Yes: I agree it was getting a bit trivial. Does it really matter? No. Who gives a tinkers what people think of Clippit? I certainly don't. Personally I think Clockwerx's suggestion is unrealistic and irrelevant to mIRC's functionality. He's a Crow Eater so it's expected, though I still respect his right to make the suggestion and the rights of others to debate it. Then there was another thread, back when the issue of whether mIRC had become crippleware or not and I sat there and demanded an official response to the issue. Krejt responded and then two days later the thread was removed. Why? Did the removal of that thread achieve anything? Yes. Following that there was a further wave of questions about whether mIRC had become crippleware or not. Congratulations to whoever removed the thread, good to see they have a keen sense of foresight.

Anyway, as I said before, I simply cannot be bothered posting here anymore because I am sick and tired of what has happened to this place. Instead I will allocate the time I spent here on other and more worthwhile things such as what I will be doing for the rest of this week: going walkabout taking photos of wild goats, yowies and dropbears. I hope to find the Lithgow Panther too but I probably won't.