It's not babying people to assist them. It's quite ignorant to treat new users with contempt though and I bet you anything that a mammoth proportion of theRat's posts here are "Use the search engine".

Ok perhaps saying something like "stop wasting our time, and search instead" is not the best way, however saying "in the future Search before asking a question" seems very helpful to me.

The user that started this thread has been here ONCE.

Thats true, however the "search before asking" is not an mIRC forum rule, it is a general internet rule. I've subscribed to numerous mailing lists since I've been using the internet, every single one of them had a policy of "search the archives before posting a question." The same holds for newsgroups, either search the news group or search groups.google.com, and also for forums, search for an answer before asking your question. This isn't a policy that is unique to mIRC, it is standard internet etiquette.