Maybe you guys think saying "use the search feature" is a bad response, but I think it is a perfect response. Ever heard the saying "give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." What about next time when he has a question and people say "screw it, this guy never bothers to search, I'm not going to bother to help him."

Well, Maybe JUST like everything in life. Humainley, we useually do things in a decent manner.
Not rudely. It is so easy on a message borad to reply in flame fodder.

I would have seen fit to give this person the reply they looked for, then politley explained that they can find most answers in the FAQ's or saerch engine as a final note only and not rudely gave him a bloody lecture..

If after a while the same person was stupidly asking the same questions or a new set of questions over and over again, i would remind him again politely. if it continued, then i would guss he was eigther very low in IQ, in this case, responding would make ME just as low as him. in the other case, i would asume he may be a flamer trying to anoy people. In that case, i would allso feel it non aplicable to reply allso..

I am 13, and yet i can useually find most flamers are well abuve my age..

C'mon, lets not be so silly about this.. answering one post on a given subject does not mean the subject will not pop up again some day. So complaining about reading the same things over and over is not viable as an excuse..

I would have thought reading the same old flmes and participating in them would be far more boreing than answering the same questions over and over for a new poster...

Chill............ wink