
This is incorrect. I can reproduce anything about that behaviour that I choose to include. Your statement here is your opinion, nothing more. I have no problems scripting this sort of activity. I would even venture to guess that there are others who have this same curious lack of a problem with this.

Yes, that's why I said "IMO". You can reproduce it in any way that you think it's clean, but IMO it's not, so following my view of "clean" you can't. This shouldn't matter anymore, anyway.

$chan and $snicks are out of scope.

I know, in my last reply I ended up seeing they're really out of their scope, but I thought this wouldn't apply to $snicks.. that's why I suggested some review. But I didn't know about $snick(#channel) (*sigh*, it's even in the help file) so I was wrong about it. That's the solution. Thanks.

I do, however, think that this shouldn't behave this way. Maybe $chan and $snicks should return $null if not called by the proper events.. no timers, aliases or anything like that. I hope this is a backwards compatibility, though. Maybe this behaviour should be better explained in the help file.

* cold edits his posts 24/7