i understand what ur problem is, stuff like cant use $chan
or $nick or those kinda of identifers in a dialog.

now i can think of 1 or 2 easy ways around most of these things that was mentioned earlier that u didnt read it right maybe not sure now it wont work for all of these but for example,

set %mydialog.var #channel
do dialog stuff
then u can use stuff like $chan(%mydialog.var,theinfo,u,want)
or %mydialog.var bamaboy

now i understand this isnt what u want to do but current its the only way u can do anything near what u want the main problem being $chan for example is only filled on certain events, now yes u could attach a dialog to a channel but then ud accomplish the same as setting a var to that channel name and useing $chan(%var,stuff), its a shame this cant be implemented but it would be just a little hard to do

hmmm signed by me