
Thinking around, needing ideas...
Here EmLoDnAoR clearly indicates his willingness to learn.

I gave him ideas, he should read up on Backus Naur Grammar, fuzzy logic, etc. etc.

To the ppl who want to reply with messages as, "this is impossible" plz don't reply at all :P
codemastr, he couldn't have meant you more without naming you specifically.

When did I say "AI is impossible" I don't recall doing that. I would never say such a thing seeing as how AI is the career I intend to go into. So, if I thought AI was impossible, why would I choose to devote my career to it? I said it wasn't impossible (I used those exact words) all I said was if he wants to try and do AI from scratch instead of building on the work of others, then it will be impossible FOR HIM. And I also pointed out flaws in mIRC that make it impossible IN MIRC. And again, if he was referring to me with that comment, why would he respond saying I "made many good points"?

You make it sound like EmLoDnAoR is doomed from the start because he doesn't know as much about AI as you. The fact of the matter is EmLoDnAoR is younger than you, probably still in high school, and still has potential to excel in this subject. Whereas you have already chosen your path, so you will never succeed in AI research as EmLoDnAoR might. (I think this even scares you)

Ok give me a minute to stop laughing. First off, I only graduated from high school a year ago, so how would being in high school make him so much younger than me? At most, he is 4 years younger than me. Secondly, how do you know I won't suceed in AI research? I guess you've met me and talked to me about it, read papers I've written about it, consulted my professors about it, etc., right? I'd bet you've done none of those things, so quit making up garbage already!Thirdly, why would I be afraid if he made an advancement in AI research? I would be euphorious. It would mean someone else has already done some work for me. Scientists don't get mad when someone else makes a discovery, they get excited. Because now they have more tools to work with. Read up on the celebrations that mathematicians had when someone finally proved Fermat's Last Theorem. No one was scared that someone else did it, they couldn't have been happier. Again this goes back to my "do you have any idea what you are talking about?" argument. If someone, anyone, made a signifigant advancement in AI research I would be nothing but happy, both for them, for the field, and for the world as a whole.

Seeing as how you clearly don't read entire posts, you just skim them looking for things to argue, I'm not even going to bother replying to you anymore. Again, I doubt whether a single word you state is fact, you could tell me "watch out you're going to be hit by a car!" and I'd stand still and die before I believed what you said.