CID's change... if you connect to all your servers the other way around the server which you have first normally now get's the highest CID...
That is why I said that the CID field would be most useful as a variable. Change the variable within the ON CONNECT event and you have yourself a more specific match. See the example snippet from my first post on this thread.
the fact no '@' prefix exists for half-op is a good point though
Ok, we can add a prefix for halfop and eliminate the MYMODE part. That will work until someone wants a prefix for voice, or perhaps one for protected, owner, or somefunkynewode.
besides the way you want it it create much problems for the scripting engine to understand the event because the triggers varies in lenght too much, or you should give the rest all $null values
Ok, instead of putting nothing put $null. I am fine with that.
ON *:text:*badword*:#MyChannel:%cidlist:@%:$null:@%: { kick $chan $nick Don't say badword! }