*sigh* As I said in my post: I believe it's both faster and easier to let mIRC do as much matching as possible.

The @ prefix does the equivalent of "if ($me isop $chan)" The ! prefix does the equivalent of "if ($nick != $me)" We could use $level instead of specifying a level. We could replace matchtext with if (matchtext iswm $1-). We already have ways to limit how and when an event is executed. This just adds more.

The MyMode field simply expands the ability to include other modes besides @. Halfops can do a lot of what ops can do in the channel. Let's say you run a swear kicking script. You'd probably want it to work if you are opped or halfopped. There is a @ prefix but no % type prefix. This could replace both.

The CIDs field allows you to make an event work only on specific servers. This is much easier then putting "If ($network == SomeNet)" in every event.

The NickMode and NickNotMode fields allow you to narrow things down even further.

I'd prefer to be as specific as possible in an event so it is executed as few times as possible.

As for the wheel analogies, I'd like to think of it as improving the wheel, not reinventing. I think most can agree that mIRC currently works yet we have this whole forum for improving it. How many releases of mIRC have been purely bug fixes? This working wheel is constantly being improved.