If it is impossible to add $N1, $N2, etc why is it possible to add $1, $2, etc?
mIRC is capable of doing $1, $2, etc because they are hardcoded into the language. What you are asking is a variable identifier named on demand.

Oh and for reference OOP is Object Oriented Programming, which is known by everyone to be slower than simple functional composition coding.
Yes, I know what OOP is, and yes I can deduce that you program in Visual Basic. Visual Basic is inharently slow, which is especially why VB coders try using as many speed enhancing "tricks" as possible."

[rant about killing all programming languages in favor of machine code that is inherently faster, and how programmers who use "tricks" to make their programs faster are failures]
I have no gripe against a programming language layer because it's easier to code in than Assembly. But I'll have you know that only serious coders embed ASM routines ("tricks") into their programs. They seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. (Incidentally, I have a friend who even wrote a VB compiler addon which allows you to add an ASM routine in the form of a Sub... if this interests you). If you code in VB, you really ought familiarize yourself with all the tricks out there. A little MoveMemory or other API can make your program run 100x faster than with native functions... and with little effort too.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!