Well you would still be free to use $gettok if you don't like the interface.

Additionally saying it is "difficult/impossible" is not really a call you can accurately make. Perhaps this is a feature Khaled had already started, and completed 80% and then thought maybe no one would want it so decided to halt his efforts. You have not seen the mIRC source code, therefore your just making a guess at how mIRC's internals work. Perhaps adding new levels of scope involves:
ScriptParser.Aliases(thealiasname).AddScope("$N*", LOCAL_TO_ALIAS);
You are making assumptions to the fact that it would be difficult. As I just showed I can just as easily make an assumption that adding it is a single line of code. But rather than make assumptions about something neither you nor I can accurately conclude, I would much rather leave it up to Khaled about whether it is difficult/feasible/etc, seeing as he is the only one who can accurately make that call.

As for your speed issues, I used to think speed was 100% everything when it came to programming. Then I got introduced to the concept of OOP. Basically the design ideas of OOP is "ease first, speed second." If something is easier to do (and using /tokenize would be easier than $gettok), and doing it the easier way doesn't cause a dramatic speed loss then do it the easier way, why make more work for yourself to save 2ns? After all, you could just as easily argue that /tokenize should not have been added because it's function can already be emulated with $gettok, but apparently Khaled disagreed.