Hope this doesn't mean there needs to be a precision slowdown. I first observe this in beta 2385 .bf mode, where for all M >= 2*10^62 $calc(A % M) returns -1 when the result should be M-1, for all positive K multipliers.

For this example, C-1 incorrectly returns -1, but setting C=2 does return the correct answer. But as M becomes larger, the range of C values returning -C instead of M-C becomes larger too. For example, with M=2*10^63 it returns the negative result for C as large as 10.

//.bigfloat on | var -s %k 1 , %c 1 , %m $calc(2*10^62 +0) , %a $calc(%m * %k - %c) | echo -a result: $calc(%a % %m) s/b $calc(%m - %c)