What about binary operations like $biton $bitoff $isbit $and $or $xor $not etc? With the current limitations in place mIRC (before big-math) only allows these to function up to 32bit, so in order to get up to possible 53bits for like an "array of booleans" you gotta do some math on it to split the number into the HI/lo, depending on operation, perform the old methods on BOTH(and or xor not) and re-assemble back to a single N. Same applies to biton/bitoff except depending on V2 (if <= 31 lo) you do the operation on the hi or the lo then re-assemble.

For reference: here's my $bitwise53(A,N).[and/or/xor/not/biton/bitoff/isbit]
bitwise53 {
  var %hi = 2147483648 , %a = $calc($1 // %hi) , %b = $calc($1 % %hi)
  if ($prop == isbit) { 
    if ($2 <= 31) { return $isbit(%b,$2) }
    else { return $isbit(%a,$calc($2 - 31)) }
  elseif ($istok(biton bitoff,$prop,32)) {
    if ($2 <= 31) { 
      if ($prop == biton) { var %b = $biton(%b,$2) }
      else { var %b = $bitoff(%b,$2) }
    else { 
      if ($prop == biton) { var %a = $biton(%a,$calc($2 - 31)) }
      else { var %a = $bitoff(%a,$calc($2 - 31)) }
    return $calc(%a * %hi + %b)
  elseif ($istok(and or xor not,$prop,32)) {
    var %c = $calc($2 // %hi) , %d = $calc($2 % %hi)
    if ($prop == and) { return $calc($and(%a,%c) * %hi + $and(%b,%d)) }
    if ($prop == or) { return $calc($or(%a,%c) * %hi + $or(%b,%d)) }
    if ($prop == xor) { return $calc($xor(%a,%c) * %hi + $xor(%b,%d)) }
    if ($prop == not) { return $calc($not(%a,%c) * %hi + $not(%b,%d)) }

It would be very handy to avoid the $calc() and the identifiers themselves support this natively up to the current 53bit precision, and possibly exceed the 53bit restriction if bigfloat has been enabled.

I use this all the time, especially with dialogs with lots of checkboxes. I can store up to 53 checkbox states to restore on a dialog init in one integer, instead of some other thing like individual hash/ini/txt entries per checkbox with 0-1, or $true - $false. There's other very handy reasons but this is just probably where I apply it the most.