What about binary operations like $biton $bitoff $isbit $and $or $xor $not etc?
Only scripting features that use double values for calculations have been updated to use big floats with MAPM. Bitwise operators do not belong in this category.

Apart from that, in the case of bitwise operator identifiers, changing the number of bits they can handle would change their results, eg. $not(1) would give different results for 32bit vs 64bit, so extending them would very likely need new identfiers and/or parameters/properties. For abitrary precision, ie. unlimited bits, my guess is that we would need to add a bit size parameter to each command/identifier.

In addition, MAPM does not currently support bitwise operations on artbitrary precision numbers. If someone here would like to look at the source code for MAPM and add support for bitwise operations, I'd be happy to include it.