I just installed oragono server by downloading the latest release and following the instructions. I unpacked the zip file and in Windows Explorer, shift right-clicked the folder then chose to "Open a Powershell window here". I copied the default.yaml file to ircd.yaml and also typed out the command
finally I ran
and a Windows firewall dialog appeared and I chose to allow connections on my private network.
I started mIRC v7.65 and ran the command
I got the following result!
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/u6ySF9G.png)
I pressed Ctrl + C in the powershell window where I entered the command
to stop the process.
You'll want to add a listener to the ircd.yaml file. In my case I had to add my IPv4 address and port to the yaml file:
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/Y9FmRbj.png)
Also make sure you allow inbound tcp connection on your private network for port 6667 to application oragono.exe in Windows Firewall.
You should have this up and running under 15 minutes.