Here's a simple example using $urlget() to get people started.
I don't see any in the help file, so here's something useful.

F12 mirc_check_for_updates
mirc_check_for_updates {
  var %url =
  var %ret = $urlget(%url,gb,&b,mirc_check_for_updates_2)
  if (%ret == 0) {
    echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: Error. Check your network connection?
mirc_check_for_updates_2 {
  var %id = $1
  var %target = $urlget(%id).target
  var %text = $bvar(%target,1-).text
  var %version = $regsubex(%text,/.*"v([0-9.]+)".*/s,\1)
  if (%version > $version) {
    echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: A newer version of mIRC is available! v $+ %version > v $+ $version
    echo -atic notice *** Download it from
  elseif (%version == $version) {
    echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: You are using the current version of mIRC. v $+ %version
  elseif (%version < $version) {
    echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: You must be using a beta version, or you are Khaled. v $+ $version > v $+ %version
  else {
    echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: Could not get update information. Check your network connection.
} ; by Raccoon 2020

Is there any error checking capabilities for winsock errors? Besides the initial $urlget() returning a value of 0?

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!