Does this script handle subs with custom messages? The script I use (I think) is based off a slightly older version of your script but it fails to respond to subs that have custom user generated messages
Example being:
[14:50] [Notification] (User) subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! [Love the content man keep it up]

The script I'm using is here, note room key was removed for privacy:

  IF (($msgtags(room-id).key == 00000000) && ($istok(sub resub subgift submysterygift, $msgtags(msg-id).key, 32))) {
    VAR %login $msgtags(login).key , %user_id $msgtags(user-id).key , %run_extras $true
    IF ($regex($msgtags(display-name).key, /^[a-z\d_]+$/ig)) VAR %name $msgtags(display-name).key
    ELSE VAR %name %login
    IF ($msgtags(msg-id).key == submysterygift) {
      VAR %type submysterygift , %num_of_subs $msgtags(msg-param-mass-gift-count).key , $+ %name %num_of_subs
      INC %submysterygift. $+ %name %num_of_subs
      MSG $1 @ $+ %name thank you for showering us with ice cubes! Nothing like a little hail!
    ELSEIF ($msgtags(msg-id).key == sub) {
      VAR %type sub
      MSG $1 Welcome to the Ice Box, enjoy the brain freeze %name $+ !

    ELSEIF ($msgtags(msg-id).key == resub) {
      VAR %type resub , %resub_streak_msg $IIF($msgtags(msg-param-streak-months).key > 1 , $msgtags(msg-param-cumulative-months).key months?! Welcome back, %name $+ $char(44) you are on $msgtags(msg-param-streak-months).key month streak! , $msgtags(msg-param-cumulative-months).key months?! Welcome back, %name $+ ! ) 
      MSG $1 Back for more? How do you not have frostbite after %resub_streak_msg
    ELSEIF ($msgtags(msg-id).key == subgift) {
      VAR %type subgift , %gifted_to $msgtags(msg-param-recipient-user-name).key , %gifted_to_display_name $msgtags(msg-param-recipient-display-name).key , %gifted_to_id $msgtags(msg-param-recipient-id).key
      IF (!$($+(%,submysterygift.,%name),2)) {
        VAR %resub_msg $IIF($msgtags(msg-param-months).key > 1, Freezing for $v1 months!, $null)
        MSG $1 @ $+ %gifted_to_display_name $+ , welcome to the freezer! You have %name to thank. %resub_msg
      ELSE {
        VAR %run_extras $false
        DEC %submysterygift. [ $+ [ %name ] ]
        IF (!$($+(%,submysterygift.,%name),2)) UNSET %submysterygift. [ $+ [ %name ] ]
    IF (%run_extras) {
      ; extra stuff to do whenever a sub, resub, single gifted sub, or mass sub gift happens (only runs once!)... in other words, this WON'T run for every individual sub during a mass sub gift!